When you are looking for someone to come and work with your horses, its sometimes hard to know what you need and what you should be looking for. All practitioners, even in the same disciplines, work slightly differently and so its important they ’get’ you and your horse for the maximum benefit. A good place to start is by understanding how different types of therapist work. So what is the difference between an equine osteopath and a McTimoney chiropractor.
Firstly, we’ll look at how they are the same
Both require qualifications and should be able to provide these on request.
Both have professional organisations that check insurance and require CPD (Continuing Professional Development) hours.
Both have full liability insurance.
Both will require veterinary permission to treat your animal (all animal therapists are secondary carers so need permission from your vet to protect your animals welfare).
Both want to help and heal your horse by performing physical therapy to ease pain and discomfort.
Both are whole body manual therapies that aim to restore function to all parts of the body.
Now let’s look at how they are different
Osteopaths work on the basis that all the body is connected and parts must be mobile. They assess not only the joints and spine, but also the organs. They first address the problems within the bodies organs as they believe this then links to the musculoskeletal system. Various points along the spine are out of balance depending on which organ is affected internally. They perform a series of stretches and manual manipulation to correct any issues they find.
McTimoney Chiropractic
McTimoney Chiropractors work directly on the bony points of a horse. They don’t believe you can fix an organ problem by manipulating the muscles. This spinal manipulation combined with massage restores function to the spine and other joints allowing nerve impulses to run freely and restoring range of motion resulting in a higher performing, happier healthier horse.
Both are valid treatments aimed at making your horse, happier, healthier. pain free and improving performance.
Both Chiropractors and Osteopaths need to connect with you horse
Book a McTimoney Equine Chiropractic Treatment
Areas covered in UK: Worcestershire and surrounding counties.
Book a McTimoney Equine Chiropractic Treatment or Call Emily Walters on 07983 565 438