Horses cannot say to you if they are in pain or discomfort so if your horse shows any of these signs an equine sports massage can be beneficial.
Signs Your Horse Needs an Equine Sports Massage
Better on one rein than the other
If your horse has tension and muscle pain they may struggle to extend and flex that muscle, leading to asymmetries in ridden work and reduced performance.
Struggles to find the correct canter lead
This includes either striking off on the incorrect leg or going disunited means opposite leads on the front and hind end. This can be caused by muscle pain and weakness.
Started bucking or rearing
Pain can cause behaviour changes in your horse. They cannot speak and use bad behaviour to tell you something is wrong.
Cold backed when tacking up or mounting
Pain under the saddle or when being ridden can make your horse reactive to being tacked up or mounted.
Irritability when being groomed
If your horse reacts to being brushed it can be a sign of muscle pain.
Head tilt or lack of poll flexion
Pain in your horses poll is common. Injuries can happen when a horse pulls back against a rope, flips over, or from less than ideal riding practices. Repetitive injuries, for example eating from a hay net, can also cause tightness here.
Holds tail to one side
This can be the result of hind limb lameness which leads to compensation to the muscles that support the tail. Pain in the sacroiliac joint can also cause tail asymmetries
Uneven stride length
Restrictions and pain in the muscles responsible for limb movement can cause a shortened stride in the affected leg, or a difference in flight arc, for example toe dragging.
High head carriage and/or head shaking
This is your horse telling you they are struggling to work correctly and push from behind. This can be due to pain, restrictions, or hind end weakness. An equine sports massage can relieve the soreness and I will give you some stretches and exercises to help strengthen their back and hind end.
I am fully qualified by and insured to ensure your horse has a thorough check up and complete equine massage to identify and relieve any problem areas.
Book an Equine Sports Massage
Areas covered in UK: Worcestershire and surrounding counties.
Book an Equine Sports Massage or Call Emily Walters on 07983 565 438