Types of Equine Sports Therapy
There are lots of different types of Equine Sports Therapy, including massage, chiropractic and physiotherapy. Learn about them here.
There are lots of different types of Equine Sports Therapy, including massage, chiropractic and physiotherapy. Learn about them here.
People often ask “is there is an Equine McTimoney Chiropractor near me?” so I thought I’d do a post to introduce myself. My name is Emily Walters from McTimoney Animal Therapy and I am a fully trained canine and equine McTimoney Chiropractor and massage therapist based in Worcestershire.
Emily from McTimoney Animal Therapy is fully qualified and insured to take the best care of your horse. Here are the steps she will go through so you will know what to expect from your horses first treatment.
McTimoney Animal Chiropractic is a gentle technique used to restore movement and help your horses back problems.